My little cookie is no longer mine - will move out by the end of September. Anyone who would be interested in this beautiful studio with a big garden on prime location on Manhattan..?
Details: Second floor. Wooden floor. Checkerboard floor in the pantry. Tiled oldschool bathroom with bathtub. Two large windows. Trees outside the window. AC summertime. Cosy interior. Great landlord. Nice neighbors. First hand contract. One month notice. Rent control. Some pics on Flickr. IN SWEDISH.
That studio looks AWESOME!
Vad ligger hyran pà?
Hittade dig genom internationalSwede...
thank you - even better IRL..!
skicka ett mejl till mig så skickar jag mer detaljerad info. vill inte lägga ut allt på nätet. visar lägenheten fr o m i em - så om du är i new york är du varmt välkommen förbi..!
By the looks of it's furnishing's looks kinda small.
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